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Search Results for: serena – Page 3

A note from the editor on our need for your support.
This Thanksgiving season, Public Discourse will continue to commit itself to the peaceful and rational persuasion of our fellow man in the cause of the common good. Will you join us?
This Fourth of July, if you believe that the work we do improves the political discourse that is so vital to the preservation of our republic, won’t you make a gift to support the work of Public Discourse?
A note from the editor.
Becoming parents shocks us out of our normal state of being. It compels us to love others more deeply and to act upon that love more fully.
Europe can only emerge from its downward spiral by putting religious faith and respect for history and tradition at the center of our communal and personal lives.
A note from the editor.
Dehumanizing others through censorship does not befit the academy, but the pigpen.
To restore loving family life to the heart of our culture, we must begin with ourselves—one family, one person at a time.
It’s common to worry that the internet is isolating us. But could it also be helping to create new forms of community?
Valentine’s Day is usually associated with romance, but love matters in politics, too. In working to change our culture, we must remember that our opponents, like our allies, are human beings whose individual conversions can only be wrought through a combination of love, truth, and free will.
A note from the editor.