When we speak of protecting people “whatever their sexual orientation,” we must realize the term is not as simple as most assume.
Religious belief and activity—particularly prayer—matter in important ways. They make a deeply practical difference in how husband and wife interact with each other in daily life.
From surprisingly fast and unexpected victory can come great hubris and the desire to utterly crush one’s opponents. Perhaps GLAAD and its allies should learn to practice what they preach: tolerance of other people’s beliefs and practices, even if they don’t fully understand them.
Manhood is not natural, but it is essential. No society can endure if it does not harness male sexual energy and teach men to take care of the children they father and the women who bear them.
If major leaders in the gay movement cannot keep up with its constant invention of new “rights,” then they certainly can’t shame others for failing to do so.
One’s sexual orientation is supposed to be locked in and unchangeable, like sex, race, or ethnicity. But high pregnancy rates among lesbians confound that narrative.
It is important that those who care about the state of the family have a realistic view of its strengths and weaknesses. Considered carefully and understood properly, statistics about divorce can offer us one important part of that picture.
For parents with LGBT children, Christianity offers an alternative to false dilemmas of affirmation or abandonment.