
Flogging: The Best Hope for Our Broken Prison System?

A new book argues that flogging may be a more humane, efficient, and just punishment than incarceration.
We shouldn’t worry about America becoming an empire—a new book explains that it has been one for a long, long time.
Americans know how to talk of progress in terms of consumer goods, individual liberties, and power over nature, but have no use for the language of communal health and the idea of discipline. Wendell Berry provides a way forward.
A new book warns against the political consequences of abusing language.
In his new book, Alan Mittleman suggests why hope has been and will continue to be such an important force in our politics.
Yves Simon's fierce moral intelligence highlights the sad decay of our public deliberation, but his example also gives cause for hope.
Free trade brings with it financial benefits and human rewards. However, it sometimes must be limited if communities and people are to flourish.