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Search Results for: fire – Page 17

In its effects, methodology, substantive doctrine, conception of the judicial role and of judicial authority, and conception of what constitutes the rule of law, Casey is terribly significant and terribly wrong. The first in a two-part series on the deadly significance of Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
Same-sex marriage should not come in the back door, via an arguably collusive lawsuit in which no one charged with the responsibility of enforcing the law actually defends it.
Yesterday’s statement about same-sex marriage by President Obama and last week’s departure of a gay-rights activist from the Romney campaign reveal important lessons.
Conservatism is misguided, arbitrary, inconsistent, and ultimately inimical to liberty and human flourishing. Libertarianism allows for human flourishing and harmony from respect and cooperation.
An America without social conservatism would be stripped of its conservative enlightenment roots and go the way of Europe via entitlements and centralized economic regulation.
The commitment to educate special needs children was one of the most laudable education policy achievements of the twentieth century and it must be protected.
Wilson’s scholarly achievement was great, but his moral legacy is greater.
An ancient example of resistance to a tyrant’s attempt to coerce violations of religious conscience provides an interesting perspective on resistance to the Obama administration’s recent healthcare coverage mandate.
Life’s fragility should remind us of the greatness of God, and the goodness of God’s creation should inspire us to respect life. Adapted from remarks made in the Princeton University Chapel for Respect Life Sunday.
A eudaimonistic ethical theory can show, without appeal to God, that certain actions are always wrong.
In order to win, do Republicans really need to stop talking about abortion and marriage?
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment provides additional and independent rights to religious organizations, beyond those to which non-religious groups are entitled.
Those who oppose judicial supremacy follow in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln himself.
Rather than simply denouncing Truman for his decision to employ the atomic bomb, his critics need to confront the harsh reality of war and seriously consider the lack of viable alternatives available to him.
The tradition of common morality does not permit us to excuse the atomic bomb as a “necessary” evil.
People of faith must reclaim their religious freedom, granted by the Creator and protected by the Constitution.
The conditions that inspired "The Scarlet Letter" highlight the gap between public employment and civic motives.
New York Times reporter Linda Greenhouse refuses to see the truth about contraception, conscience, and religious liberty.
An upcoming Supreme Court decision might give government, rather than religious organizations, the final say on who counts as a religious minister.
What makes September 11th worthy of public memorializing is that it was not only an event in the lives of these individuals and their families; it was an event in the life of the American nation, an attack aimed at the American nation.
Monday's Presidential Forum broke new ground.
At a time when the Arab world is ripe for change, our next president must understand the strategic potential of American credibility, constitutionalism, and communication in the promotion of democracy abroad.
Presidential candidates in the next election should uphold marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
A recent Supreme Court case reveals a division amongst conservatives over the moral foundations of the law.