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Search Results for: married – Page 22

The conjugal conception of marriage is just and coherent; the same-sex marriage proponents’ conception of marriage is unjust and incoherent.
In his new book, George McGovern refuses to acknowledge his role in fusing a Democratic coalition of lifestyle liberals and the public costs this has entailed.
If tradition is not a good reason to limit marriage to a man and a woman, it is also not a good reason to limit it to only two people.
Family law has changed during the past 50 years to the detriment of child well-being, paving the way for the arguments in support of same-sex marriage. But there is a new strategy available to us to respond to this situation. The second in a two-part series.
The Supreme Court was more right than it knew during the past two centuries as it identified the state’s interest in marriage as children and their formation. The first in a two-part series.
In one of this year's most important books, Kay Hymowitz explores how the rise of women has turned men into boys.
Think overpopulation, poverty, climate change, and abortion can all be solved by more birth control? Think again.
Bryan Caplan’s latest book argues that we don’t need to over-invest time and money on our kids, because our lasting influence on their characters is negligible, while their contribution to our material well-being is significant.
A new proposal for reducing unnecessary divorce gets to the heart of the problem: the current system seeks to meet a divorcing couple’s every need—except for time and education on reconciliation.
The decline of manhood and norms around sex, marriage, and family produces for young women what may in fact have to be endured. But it shouldn't be celebrated.
New York Times reporter Linda Greenhouse refuses to see the truth about contraception, conscience, and religious liberty.
Political legitimization of “private” sexual and marital choices causes much public harm. We have been personally harmed by the regimes of abortion and easy divorce.
Presidential candidates in the next election should uphold marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
In a discipline whose point is dispassionate reasoning and discourse, some would shut down debate and silence dissenters on a deep and complex moral-political issue. And the view they would anathematize, far from irrational, is more coherent and more compelling than their slippery and ill-defined 'default'.
Race and sex play qualitatively different roles in our interactions with each other, making sex rationally relevant to our social and political policies in a way that race is not.
The body has a language of its own, and the sexual revolution is founded upon a lie.
Marital love implies dependence on another instead of autonomy, and it shows that certain goods (sex and procreation, love and marriage, marriage and parenthood) are connected. We must recover the language of self-giving. The second in a two-part series.
The logic of contract and the movement to conquer nature have resulted in the triumph of autonomy and demise of the family. The first of a two-part series.
New conceptions of marriage threaten to make “traditional marriage” not only unfashionable but also inaccessible.
Learning from a religious skeptic’s rejection of polygamy and easy divorce.
Cohabitation does not serve the “best interest” of children, regardless of what the courts say.
Let the sexual revolution be justified on the grounds of the common good.
The part of the Muslim tradition usually cited in support of killing apostates has been gravely misunderstood.
Defenders of conjugal marriage must be careful to not obscure the true nature of marriage—and the state’s true interest in promoting it.