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Search Results for: congress – Page 24

The American sex trade—strip clubs, prostitution, and the booming pornography business—feeds on and fuels modern-day slavery.
Repealing health care is the next fight in the battle for life.
Laws regulating immigration are analogous to those requiring the payment of taxes or the licensing of physicians. Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is not in itself unjust, but it may be imprudent.
We need a healthcare law that is not only pro-life but that also addresses our healthcare system’s persistent problems and looming challenges.
In Jakarta President Obama spoke astutely about Muslims, but he engaged in dangerous obfuscation regarding al-Qaeda.
In his latest book, law professor David A. Strauss attacks the idea of originalism and champions the “living Constitution.” Matt Franck explains why he’s wrong.
In an article adapted from his debate last week with Peter Singer and Maggie Little on the moral status of the “fetus,” Professor Finnis explains that outside of medical contexts use of the word “fetus” is offensive, dehumanizing, prejudicial, and manipulative. It obscures our perception of moral reality. Moral status is not a matter of choice or grant or convention, but of recognition, of someone who matters, and matters as an equal, whether we like it or not.
The Obama Administration has chosen to place political considerations over a proper defense of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law.
Faced with an increasingly democratic political system, American elites have turned to the courts as an alternate means of enacting their political and constitutional agenda.
A new resolution before Europe's leading human rights council attacks conscience and community.
A new book by Gabriel Schoenfeld examines the dangers and difficulties inherent in keeping state secrets.
The controversy over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” cannot be understood apart from the history of other communities and their struggles to overcome religious intolerance. And no one should exploit such fears for quick partisan gain.
The government’s ability to print money at will is a nearly unquestioned feature of today’s economic order, but recent crises have highlighted its hazards.
Obama’s stem-cell policy is not only contrary to sound reason and good science, it violates the law.
The so-called “week-after pill” is an abortion drug hidden under the guise of contraception.
In order to protect the unborn, we need to recognize mistakes made in the past and work to remedy them in the present.
Arguments have been aired. The facts are in. It’s time for all pro-lifers to acknowledge the shortcomings of the new health care bill.
Recent events suggest that Commonweal and Timothy Jost need to reassess their arguments about health care and abortion
The latest decision from our judicial overlords on same-sex marriage spells trouble for republican constitutionalism and the institution of marriage.
The new health care law has endangered longstanding protections on conscience. We must act to address them or risk creating a dangerous precedent.
Are market economies friends or foes of the environment?
In a first-time feature, the editors of Public Discourse respond to the editors of Commonweal.
Promoting a sexually permissive pop-culture in the Muslim world gets the true foundations of ordered liberty wrong. In defining our ideals by rejecting our enemy’s, we go from one extreme to another, and miss the virtuous mean.
Are we prepared to acknowledge the moral stakes in Obama’s new push against “Don’t ask, don’t tell?”