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The public spaces where we live and work and relax have a real, if subtle, impact on how each of us experiences and reflects on our world.
Intellectuals have failed to recognize the real character of the Tea Party.
Social conservatives must understand and embrace America’s traditional economic culture before they can contribute to its renewal. Economic conservatives must expel the infection of shallow anthropology, vulgar utilitarianism, and metaphysical blindness that they picked up from progressivism in the 20th century.
The Tea Party taps into the full social and cultural power of transcendent moral appeals in a way that social conservatives have never been able to do. The first in a two-part series.
In an article adapted from his debate last week with Peter Singer and Maggie Little on the moral status of the “fetus,” Professor Finnis explains that outside of medical contexts use of the word “fetus” is offensive, dehumanizing, prejudicial, and manipulative. It obscures our perception of moral reality. Moral status is not a matter of choice or grant or convention, but of recognition, of someone who matters, and matters as an equal, whether we like it or not.
The deepening relationship between American Muslims and secular liberals ignores fundamental issues of faith and freedom. Part one of two.
Obama’s stem-cell policy is not only contrary to sound reason and good science, it violates the law.
Americans must still wrestle with what it means to take the lives of innocent civilians intentionally.
In order to protect the unborn, we need to recognize mistakes made in the past and work to remedy them in the present.
Arguments have been aired. The facts are in. It’s time for all pro-lifers to acknowledge the shortcomings of the new health care bill.
In a series of recent cases, the Supreme Court’s conservative justices have abandoned judicial restraint.
Recent events suggest that Commonweal and Timothy Jost need to reassess their arguments about health care and abortion
The new health care law has endangered longstanding protections on conscience. We must act to address them or risk creating a dangerous precedent.
Much of our moral confusion comes from our failure to find a replacement for the Judaeo-Christian outlook that once animated the West. We need, and generally now lack, a philosophical understanding of human life.
Robert C. Koons replies to a letter concerning his recent article, "What Will Replace Behemoth State University?"
As we attempt to revive the global financial system, it may be time to reconsider the long tradition that warned against the dangers of borrowing.
A recent First Things article on natural law misses the mark.
The Supreme Court’s bad ruling in the DC handgun case may soon undergo a drastic and very damaging expansion.
Why we shouldn't listen to calls to get rid of the filibuster.
Is it possible for capitalism and democracy to support localist and communitarian ideals? According to one interpretation of a high-tech, agrarian-loving blockbuster film, the answer is yes. And this points to a challenge for conservative purists of all stripes.
A good deal of online commentary about a recent ecumenical statement misunderstands the nature of human reason.
Revelations about the infidelities of prominent social conservatives like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Nevada Senator John Ensign have led many to mock advocates of public virtue who nonetheless succumb to personal vice. But what’s so bad about hypocrisy?
Three months into President Obama’s first term, one of his most prominent pro-life opponents, Robert P. George, engaged in a discussion with one of his most prominent pro-life supporters, Douglas W. Kmiec. The article below is adopted from George's remarks, which called for candid speech on Obama's abortion record.