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Muslims who favor religious freedom deserve to have their voices heard. One way President Obama could be respectful of and show his appreciation for Islam would be to nominate an Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom and support religious freedom in his administration’s foreign policy.
Faced with Charles Murray’s argument that the welfare state makes everything too easy, a socialist could ask: Should everything therefore be made more difficult? How can Murray say the welfare state is bad for making life easier while praising other state functions that make life easier, like the police? Only a moral perspective can oppose socialism while affirming legitimate state functions.
The state is required to protect persons not just from physical harm but from being forced to violate their limited but definite freedom of conscience.
William Saletan’s proposals for abortion compromise would do little to relieve the plight of women or save the unborn.
The Obama apologists are at it again, this time attacking Archbishop Charles Chaput for speaking out against their candidate's pro-abortion views. But the latest salvo from Doug Kmiec is a tangled web of falsehoods and fallacies.
Kevin Jackson calls for moral cooperation instead of government regulation. A response to Harold James.
An introductory letter from the founder and editor of Public Discourse.