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Search Results for: core – Page 36

In response to pro-choice appeals to autonomy in support of abortion, we feminists should advocate that parents—both mothers and fathers—have binding duties to their unborn child as the product of their life-giving sexual act.
The state should uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, because the state’s interest in marriage is fundamentally about public, not private, purposes for marriage. Adapted from testimony delivered before the United States Senate.
In a discipline whose point is dispassionate reasoning and discourse, some would shut down debate and silence dissenters on a deep and complex moral-political issue. And the view they would anathematize, far from irrational, is more coherent and more compelling than their slippery and ill-defined 'default'.
Doctors are called to a life of compassionate service to human beings invested with intrinsic dignity. This essay is adapted from the Commencement Address Dr. Landry delivered at the St. Louis University School of Medicine.
With extremism losing momentum, there is hope that the Muslim Middle East is beginning once again to embrace the liberalism of early 20th-century Islam.
As the call for freedom advances in Muslim-majority countries, we have good reason to be optimistic that religious freedom will increase as well.
The body has a language of its own, and the sexual revolution is founded upon a lie.
Our current economic debates underscore the case for an approach to political economy that rejects social contract theory and embraces a robust conception of human flourishing.
Rather than trying to escape our bodies, we should see that our bodies make union with another possible.
The feds are working behind the scenes to nationalize K-12 curriculum, including a national test. This would be bad for schools, and disastrous for the culture.
Marriage is fundamentally a pre-political institution.
Public employee unions aren’t the only seekers of government largesse.
A new bill is needed to fix the healthcare law’s failure to adequately safeguard conscience
The Live Action case is very different from the Nazis-at-the-door problem, but lying is justified in neither situation.
The history of federal abortion funding highlights the urgent need to reverse the new health care law’s assault on unborn life, and to enact a permanent, government-wide prohibition on federal funding of abortion.
The pro-life cause must be advanced by truth and by love, and it must be willing to engage in self-criticism when it fails to meet its own exacting standards.
On the dualism of degrading desire.
An uncertain legal landscape puts future prosperity at risk.
A new book by Noah Feldman explains how Roosevelt’s jurists came to power, and how their constitutional philosophies and disagreements shaped the court.
Do pro-lifers care about life after birth?
What’s wrong with a prominent professor’s incestuous relationship with his daughter.
A response to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman.
Though Christmas is a religious holiday, secularists should appreciate its great contribution to Western Civilization: the lesson that all men are equal in their fundamental human dignity.
We need a healthcare law that is not only pro-life but that also addresses our healthcare system’s persistent problems and looming challenges.