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Search Results for: body – Page 51

A notion of “social practice” should guide the way we think about morality and politics. The first in a three-part series.
Zoning codes used to favor settlement patterns scaled for human beings. No longer.
Rather than trying to escape our bodies, we should see that our bodies make union with another possible.
The feds are working behind the scenes to nationalize K-12 curriculum, including a national test. This would be bad for schools, and disastrous for the culture.
Cohabitation does not serve the “best interest” of children, regardless of what the courts say.
Prominent bioethicists Arthur Caplan and Robert P. George on the role of bioethics in a democracy and the dangers of eugenics.
Prominent bioethicists Arthur Caplan and Robert P. George on the danger of discounting ethics and overselling science.
A healthy democracy depends on people of conviction working hard to advance their ideas in the public square—respectfully and peacefully, but vigorously and without apologies. We cannot simultaneously serve the poor and accept the legal killing of unborn children.
Augustine, Aquinas, and Alexandria offer forgotten ideals regarding what learning is and the scale at which it flourishes.
There is an intrinsic link between marriage and procreation, but this does not mean that infertile couples cannot really be married.
We live in days of distraction.
Marriage is fundamentally a pre-political institution.
Dispelling the sexual myths of America’s emerging adults.
A new bill is needed to fix the healthcare law’s failure to adequately safeguard conscience
A historian looks at how one man sought to serve both truth and love.
A participant in the protests in Tahrir Square looks at the future of freedom in Egypt.
Lying, even for laudable reasons, is wrong.
An appreciation for the naturalness of form can lead us back from the politicization of poetry.
On the dualism of degrading desire.
An uncertain legal landscape puts future prosperity at risk.
Defenders of marriage should draw hope and courage from the pro-life movement’s success.
A reply to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman's second critique of "What is Marriage?"
A new, supposedly objective book on the abortion debate relentlessly tips the scale against life.
What’s wrong with a prominent professor’s incestuous relationship with his daughter.