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In the British film Four Lions, farcical humor meets terror-jihad, and it is a match made almost in heaven.
Both realists and idealists should cast off cold neutrality and take up friendship’s warm embrace.
Scientists have begun to doubt whether there was a “Big Bang.” But in claiming that this disproves the existence of a Creator, they confuse temporal beginnings with origins.
It is natural and good to have loyalty and love for one’s own.
Americans appear to accept same-sex marriage more than they really do, perhaps because they believe it to be more widely accepted than it really is.
Obama’s stem-cell policy is not only contrary to sound reason and good science, it violates the law.
Re-examining the essential characteristics of marriage.
Attempts to promote judicial restraint have failed to rein in a judiciary run amok. Is it time to consider more drastic measures?
Even same-sex marriage advocates should recognize the bad logic in the ruling overturning Proposition 8.
The latest decision from our judicial overlords on same-sex marriage spells trouble for republican constitutionalism and the institution of marriage.
The new health care law has endangered longstanding protections on conscience. We must act to address them or risk creating a dangerous precedent.
Another reason the analogy between same-sex marriage and interracial marriage fails.
Expansive and expensive welfare programs have brought European social democracies to the verge of catastrophe. Now the dynamics of democracy may be an impediment to economic reform.
Are market economies friends or foes of the environment?
An adapted commencement address arguing that traditional building provides us with a durable and beautiful built environment, which in turn provides the best physical and spatial context for the inventiveness and daring that modern life demands.
The fiftieth anniversary of oral contraceptives is a reminder of all the things the Pill lets us forget.
The recent SEC scandal reminds us of the prevalence of pornography. Steve Jobs’ decision to ban pornography on the iPhone might provide a way forward.
Three issues—the right to secure borders, the moral costs of illegal immigration, and the virtues of generous neighborliness and forgiveness—must be clarified in order to address the problems of immigration reform.
Americans know how to talk of progress in terms of consumer goods, individual liberties, and power over nature, but have no use for the language of communal health and the idea of discipline. Wendell Berry provides a way forward.
Biological reductionism doesn’t disprove the notion of free will.
The claim that health care reform “made history” highlights how fully the political debate hinges on ideas of progress.
Robert C. Koons replies to a letter concerning his recent article, "What Will Replace Behemoth State University?"
The problem with scientism is that it is either self-defeating or trivially true. F.A. Hayek helps us to see why. The first article in a two-part series.
As we attempt to revive the global financial system, it may be time to reconsider the long tradition that warned against the dangers of borrowing.