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Search Results for: news – Page 54

The frequency with which terrorists are found with pornography raises important questions about the possible effects of pornography on our national security.
The attempts by both the right and the left to politicize our Constitution must be firmly rejected for the sake of our nation’s health and prosperity.
The state should uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, because the state’s interest in marriage is fundamentally about public, not private, purposes for marriage. Adapted from testimony delivered before the United States Senate.
In a discipline whose point is dispassionate reasoning and discourse, some would shut down debate and silence dissenters on a deep and complex moral-political issue. And the view they would anathematize, far from irrational, is more coherent and more compelling than their slippery and ill-defined 'default'.
Research shows the positive economic effect of two-biological-parent families on our society. Single parenthood and other alternative family structures not only hurt our economy, they hurt our children, those who care for them, and those for whom our children will care later in life. The first in a two-part series.
Doctors are called to a life of compassionate service to human beings invested with intrinsic dignity. This essay is adapted from the Commencement Address Dr. Landry delivered at the St. Louis University School of Medicine.
When we debate problems of social justice, we must keep our shared principles separate from the means we advocate to recognize them. Failure to do so produces unfruitful discourse and misdirected charges.
Arguments for traditional urbanism are de facto truth claims about nature and human nature, and point to and are supported by the natural law. Why we can and should think normatively about our building patterns. Part one of two.
Race and sex play qualitatively different roles in our interactions with each other, making sex rationally relevant to our social and political policies in a way that race is not.
By the year 2020, the Islamic nations of the Mediterranean Basin will resound with positive cries for democracy, human rights, individual liberty, and the dignity of every man, woman, and child.
An exploration of how war affects people, and what it does to their natural moral instincts. The second in a two-part series.
The King & Spalding skedaddle is a blow to the institutional integrity of our legal system. Intimidation is now the default tactic of same-sex marriage advocates.
Cohabitation does not serve the “best interest” of children, regardless of what the courts say.
The part of the Muslim tradition usually cited in support of killing apostates has been gravely misunderstood.
On this year's World Down Syndrome Day, Mark Leach discusses the unacknowledged effects of prenatal testing.
John Locke’s philosophy gives no support to those who would seek to endorse same-sex civil marriage.
President Obama has dropped the defense of marriage out of political convenience rather than reasonable opposition.
A man who made a career of death and lies became a hero for life and truth.
A leading Muslim scholar questions whether foundational texts of Islam really do prescribe death for leaving Islam.
A new bill is needed to fix the healthcare law’s failure to adequately safeguard conscience
A historian looks at how one man sought to serve both truth and love.
All lying is immoral, but not all false utterances are lies.
An appreciation for the naturalness of form can lead us back from the politicization of poetry.
Repealing health care is the next fight in the battle for life.