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Search Results for: news – Page 55

Whether the case involves pornography or genocide, there are times when authorities must intervene to protect human interests.
A reply to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman's second critique of "What is Marriage?"
The ancient tradition of pursuing knowledge for its own sake is slowly, quietly making a comeback.
A reply to NYU Law Professor Kenji Yoshino’s second critique of “What is Marriage?”
A response to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman.
A response to NYU Law Professor Kenji Yoshino.
Though recent progress in induced pluripotent stem-cell research may reduce reliance on embryonic stem cells, it is no moral panacea.
When a woman claims to be a man, should the university and the press play along?
In Jakarta President Obama spoke astutely about Muslims, but he engaged in dangerous obfuscation regarding al-Qaeda.
It is difficult to speak up and defend certain unpopular truths on today’s college campuses. But it is also urgently needed and greatly rewarding.
A recent film follows two women whose shared values offer an unexpected opportunity for friendship.
To stimulate job creation, Democrats favor government spending and Republicans favor tax cuts, but is there a more direct way?
Misleading talk of "separation of church and state" obscures the true meaning of the First Amendment.
The practice of socially responsible investing, often associated with opposition to apartheid or support for environmental causes, can also be a way to battle the harms of pornography.
Intellectuals have failed to recognize the real character of the Tea Party.
The Tea Party taps into the full social and cultural power of transcendent moral appeals in a way that social conservatives have never been able to do. The first in a two-part series.
It’s time for conservatives and liberals alike to remember that certain words by their very utterance inflict injury.
A new book by Gabriel Schoenfeld examines the dangers and difficulties inherent in keeping state secrets.
In an address delivered today before the Religion Newswriters Association, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver commended America's journalists of religion and challenged them to approach their important work with integrity, fairness, and humility.
The controversy over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” cannot be understood apart from the history of other communities and their struggles to overcome religious intolerance. And no one should exploit such fears for quick partisan gain.
Americans appear to accept same-sex marriage more than they really do, perhaps because they believe it to be more widely accepted than it really is.
Obama’s stem-cell policy is not only contrary to sound reason and good science, it violates the law.
The so-called “week-after pill” is an abortion drug hidden under the guise of contraception.
The new health care law has endangered longstanding protections on conscience. We must act to address them or risk creating a dangerous precedent.