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In an article adapted from his debate last week with Peter Singer and Maggie Little on the moral status of the “fetus,” Professor Finnis explains that outside of medical contexts use of the word “fetus” is offensive, dehumanizing, prejudicial, and manipulative. It obscures our perception of moral reality. Moral status is not a matter of choice or grant or convention, but of recognition, of someone who matters, and matters as an equal, whether we like it or not.
In the British film Four Lions, farcical humor meets terror-jihad, and it is a match made almost in heaven.
A new book by Gabriel Schoenfeld examines the dangers and difficulties inherent in keeping state secrets.
Accepting the “liberal” definition on pregnancy can actually help clarify the morality of contraception, abortion, and embryo adoption.
In an address delivered today before the Religion Newswriters Association, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver commended America's journalists of religion and challenged them to approach their important work with integrity, fairness, and humility.
The controversy over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” cannot be understood apart from the history of other communities and their struggles to overcome religious intolerance. And no one should exploit such fears for quick partisan gain.
The government’s ability to print money at will is a nearly unquestioned feature of today’s economic order, but recent crises have highlighted its hazards.
Obama’s stem-cell policy is not only contrary to sound reason and good science, it violates the law.
We shouldn’t worry about America becoming an empire—a new book explains that it has been one for a long, long time.
Civility is at the foundation of democratic society, but our educational institutions have lost their manners and the grace of gentility.
The so-called “week-after pill” is an abortion drug hidden under the guise of contraception.
Americans must still wrestle with what it means to take the lives of innocent civilians intentionally.
In a series of recent cases, the Supreme Court’s conservative justices have abandoned judicial restraint.
The latest decision from our judicial overlords on same-sex marriage spells trouble for republican constitutionalism and the institution of marriage.
Under the new health-care law, pro-lifers may have to accept inferior health plans, rather than wrongly pay into abortion providing ones.
Expansive and expensive welfare programs have brought European social democracies to the verge of catastrophe. Now the dynamics of democracy may be an impediment to economic reform.
Are market economies friends or foes of the environment?
An adapted commencement address arguing that traditional building provides us with a durable and beautiful built environment, which in turn provides the best physical and spatial context for the inventiveness and daring that modern life demands.
The recent SEC scandal reminds us of the prevalence of pornography. Steve Jobs’ decision to ban pornography on the iPhone might provide a way forward.
Illegal immigration is a national problem, but Arizona’s solution is not the answer. We need to secure our borders, allow a more generous pathway to citizenship, and create a guest worker program.
Sometimes a defense of shared liberal values can become the partisan promotion of one of liberalism's strands.
Andrew Koppelman’s claim that red states and the religious right increase abortions doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
A new book warns against the political consequences of abusing language.
A recent series by James Matthew Wilson highlights the connection between conservatism and beauty.