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Search Results for: race – Page 70

Contrary to what Obama supporters would have us believe, there’s no precedent for the HHS mandate.
Morality is not about keeping as long a leash as you can on the harms you cause. It is about keeping upright intentions and rejecting unfair tradeoffs—neither of which Obama’s proposed revision even pretends to affect.
No one can be rightly coerced by the state to be directly complicit in the commission of a wrong. This goes for any businessman, employer, insurance company, or individual, regardless of faith.
Charles Murray argues we’ve come apart, but can therapeutic Deism and the sexual revolution put us back together?
The precepts of the natural law are obligatory not because they are commanded, but because they are necessary for our well-being. God’s revelation of these precepts is better understood as a divine reminding and authoritative inviting.
A eudaimonistic ethical theory can show, without appeal to God, that certain actions are always wrong.
In order to win, do Republicans really need to stop talking about abortion and marriage?
39 years ago, the Supreme Court delivered a radical, legally untenable, immoral decision. It has forfeited its entitlement to have its decisions respected, and followed, by the other branches of government, by the states, and by the people.
The Obama administration’s efforts to regulate the cellular-phone service market through a decades-old trust-busting ideology is at odds with the courts’ more recent “new learning” approach to market competition. And there are lessons here for pro-lifers.
Poetry establishes the polis, the ordered community, because poetry teaches men their “actual desires,” the desires that must be accommodated in any lasting and beneficial order. The second in a two-part series.
Modernist poetry embodies the philosophical perspective of late liberal Western society, giving form to the conception of freedom divorced from essence, the theoretical primacy of the individual, and the broad skepticism towards any notion of a rational human nature. The first in a two-part series.
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment provides additional and independent rights to religious organizations, beyond those to which non-religious groups are entitled.
The Obama Administration’s campaign against “bullying” and “harassment” in schools is a subterfuge to exert federal control over the minutiae of daily school operations and to impose its preferred cultural attitudes.
Threats to religious freedom endanger the health of religious institutions, enfeebling rather than enlivening the moral content of our culture—a content that we all, believers and non-believers alike, rely upon to exercise our freedom.
A new biography of Margaret Sanger fails to confront the Planned Parenthood founder’s ideological commitment to eugenics and population control.
In his new book, George McGovern refuses to acknowledge his role in fusing a Democratic coalition of lifestyle liberals and the public costs this has entailed.
The absolute prohibition of intrinsically evil acts is the limit on one’s positive obligations.
If tradition is not a good reason to limit marriage to a man and a woman, it is also not a good reason to limit it to only two people.
Though racial and religious profiling offends our better feelings, it is nevertheless constitutional.
Rather than simply denouncing Truman for his decision to employ the atomic bomb, his critics need to confront the harsh reality of war and seriously consider the lack of viable alternatives available to him.
The eurozone’s current crisis is an opportunity for Europe to explore new monetary options that challenge the hitherto dominant vision of the European Union’s economic future.
Freedom of religion means the right of religious persons, groups, and ideas to participate fully and equally in the life of the community and in the marketplace of ideas.
True solitude is the contemplation of the true, the good, and the beautiful, and such solitude is essential to maintaining communities of friendship oriented towards non-quantifiable goods.
The tradition of common morality does not permit us to excuse the atomic bomb as a “necessary” evil.