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Search Results for: race – Page 74

Moral principles should be derived from experience about what makes people happy, not from logic.
Kant was right: we need principles to guide our judgments.
A book on the polyamorous community by a “participant observer” provides a window into a weird, confused, and growing world.
The problem with reductionist accounts of life.
One man’s biography becomes the story of jurisprudence when constitutional interpretation is governed by personality and politics.
Responding to a review of his most recent book, Hadley Arkes asks some questions about the nature of natural law.
Newly defined and vigorously enforced rights have proliferated even as they are uprooted from any philosophic grounding.
An exhibition by contemporary artist Enrique Martínez Celaya at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (on view through November 23rd) is a unique chance to contrast the uncertainty of our own age with the New Medievalism of the great American architect, Ralph Adams Cram.
A recent film follows two women whose shared values offer an unexpected opportunity for friendship.
The science of fetal pain remains uncertain, but we still have a duty to avoid the possibility of inflicting undue suffering.
All legislation is moral. The sooner we recognize this fact, the better.
The public spaces where we live and work and relax have a real, if subtle, impact on how each of us experiences and reflects on our world.
Intellectuals have failed to recognize the real character of the Tea Party.
Social conservatives must understand and embrace America’s traditional economic culture before they can contribute to its renewal. Economic conservatives must expel the infection of shallow anthropology, vulgar utilitarianism, and metaphysical blindness that they picked up from progressivism in the 20th century.
The Tea Party taps into the full social and cultural power of transcendent moral appeals in a way that social conservatives have never been able to do. The first in a two-part series.
Faced with an increasingly democratic political system, American elites have turned to the courts as an alternate means of enacting their political and constitutional agenda.
A new resolution before Europe's leading human rights council attacks conscience and community.
Accepting the “liberal” definition on pregnancy can actually help clarify the morality of contraception, abortion, and embryo adoption.
Both realists and idealists should cast off cold neutrality and take up friendship’s warm embrace.
We must oppose violent extremists in part by promoting freedom of religion, both at home and abroad. Part two of two.
Liberal intolerance is rooted in a secular disregard for the dignity of individuals, coupled with the veneration of Progress and the belief that liberal ideologies can’t win in public debate.
The reason to respect others' religious beliefs is not the fear that they might attack us, but rather the minimum demands of decency. This standard should apply to all religious groups.
The controversy over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” cannot be understood apart from the history of other communities and their struggles to overcome religious intolerance. And no one should exploit such fears for quick partisan gain.
It is natural and good to have loyalty and love for one’s own.