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Search Results for: 10 – Page 77

The Obama Administration’s campaign against “bullying” and “harassment” in schools is a subterfuge to exert federal control over the minutiae of daily school operations and to impose its preferred cultural attitudes.
Aiding the deliberate destruction of human life has no place in the doctor’s job description.
Senior citizens are less likely to support same-sex marriage than younger Americans, but that does not mean that they are anti-gay.
Economic, political, and ethical principles that encourage limited government must interact in our effort to secure long-term economic stability.
Those who oppose judicial supremacy follow in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln himself.
A new biography of Margaret Sanger fails to confront the Planned Parenthood founder’s ideological commitment to eugenics and population control.
In his new book, George McGovern refuses to acknowledge his role in fusing a Democratic coalition of lifestyle liberals and the public costs this has entailed.
Meet the academics who try to redefine pedophilia as “intergenerational intimacy.”
Divine legislation functions to enforce moral absolutes, not to ground them.
The eurozone’s current crisis is an opportunity for Europe to explore new monetary options that challenge the hitherto dominant vision of the European Union’s economic future.
Freedom of religion means the right of religious persons, groups, and ideas to participate fully and equally in the life of the community and in the marketplace of ideas.
Family law has changed during the past 50 years to the detriment of child well-being, paving the way for the arguments in support of same-sex marriage. But there is a new strategy available to us to respond to this situation. The second in a two-part series.
The Supreme Court was more right than it knew during the past two centuries as it identified the state’s interest in marriage as children and their formation. The first in a two-part series.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ABOG) are restricting opportunities for health-care professionals to object to abortion and contraception on grounds of conscience. This will accelerate the growing problem of physician shortage.
The recent scandal at Penn State has brought to light more than just sexual abuse and its cover-up; it has exposed the indifference that cultural norms have groomed in some of our young adults.
In Randall Kennedy’s new book on the dimensions of race in American politics, Kennedy abandons his usual level-headed analysis for a partisan, and misguided, look at American progressivism and conservatism.
People of faith must reclaim their religious freedom, granted by the Creator and protected by the Constitution.
The conditions that inspired "The Scarlet Letter" highlight the gap between public employment and civic motives.
In one of this year's most important books, Kay Hymowitz explores how the rise of women has turned men into boys.
A new Down syndrome test raises important questions.
Think overpopulation, poverty, climate change, and abortion can all be solved by more birth control? Think again.
Conservatives shouldn’t ignore or attack social justice, but must articulate sound principles of social justice.
Where unjust political regimes have been destroyed, a power vacuum enables corruption and undermines the state’s security. To prevent corrupting forces from abusing the state’s vulnerability in its transition period, intervening powers should enable strong law enforcement systems.
The tenure system sustains many of the problems in contemporary higher ed.