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An exhibition by contemporary artist Enrique Martínez Celaya at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (on view through November 23rd) is a unique chance to contrast the uncertainty of our own age with the New Medievalism of the great American architect, Ralph Adams Cram.
It is difficult to speak up and defend certain unpopular truths on today’s college campuses. But it is also urgently needed and greatly rewarding.
All legislation is moral. The sooner we recognize this fact, the better.
The public spaces where we live and work and relax have a real, if subtle, impact on how each of us experiences and reflects on our world.
In his latest book, law professor David A. Strauss attacks the idea of originalism and champions the “living Constitution.” Matt Franck explains why he’s wrong.
Misleading talk of "separation of church and state" obscures the true meaning of the First Amendment.
The practice of socially responsible investing, often associated with opposition to apartheid or support for environmental causes, can also be a way to battle the harms of pornography.
Intellectuals have failed to recognize the real character of the Tea Party.
Social conservatives must understand and embrace America’s traditional economic culture before they can contribute to its renewal. Economic conservatives must expel the infection of shallow anthropology, vulgar utilitarianism, and metaphysical blindness that they picked up from progressivism in the 20th century.
In an article adapted from his debate last week with Peter Singer and Maggie Little on the moral status of the “fetus,” Professor Finnis explains that outside of medical contexts use of the word “fetus” is offensive, dehumanizing, prejudicial, and manipulative. It obscures our perception of moral reality. Moral status is not a matter of choice or grant or convention, but of recognition, of someone who matters, and matters as an equal, whether we like it or not.
It’s time for conservatives and liberals alike to remember that certain words by their very utterance inflict injury.
A new resolution before Europe's leading human rights council attacks conscience and community.
A new book by Gabriel Schoenfeld examines the dangers and difficulties inherent in keeping state secrets.
Women are hard-wired for relationships—and a woman’s relationship to her baby is one of the most powerful of all, whether she realizes it or not. The hard-wiring of the brain may explain many women’s disturbing post-abortion feelings.
The reason to respect others' religious beliefs is not the fear that they might attack us, but rather the minimum demands of decency. This standard should apply to all religious groups.
An Executive Summary of the Statement of the First Annual Neuhaus Colloquium.
The government’s ability to print money at will is a nearly unquestioned feature of today’s economic order, but recent crises have highlighted its hazards.
It is natural and good to have loyalty and love for one’s own.
Obama’s stem-cell policy is not only contrary to sound reason and good science, it violates the law.
We shouldn’t worry about America becoming an empire—a new book explains that it has been one for a long, long time.
The so-called “week-after pill” is an abortion drug hidden under the guise of contraception.
Americans must still wrestle with what it means to take the lives of innocent civilians intentionally.
In order to protect the unborn, we need to recognize mistakes made in the past and work to remedy them in the present.
Arguments have been aired. The facts are in. It’s time for all pro-lifers to acknowledge the shortcomings of the new health care bill.